CAI: Evolving Past Commissioning  

December 7, 2023 || David Shenberger
In the dynamic world of life sciences, companies that embrace change and adapt to changing market needs are the ones that thrive. Our journey began in 1996 with a singular purpose: to change how the life sciences industry delivers facilities through robust commissioning. As we have grown and gained valuable…

Louder Than Words: The Key to Effective Communication

November 26, 2019 ||
It is a well-established maxim that “Good communication is the key to successful projects.” Clear, concise, specific communication is the goal, and this applies to business as well as day-to-day life. The trouble is following through on it.

Applying Six Sigma Principles to Client Operations: Waste

November 30, 2017 ||
Waste shows up in many forms and in all projects. This happens regardless of industry, product, or service being provided. Nothing is perfect, no matter how hard we try. That doesn’t mean that the effort to reduce waste is for nothing. Anytime waste can be removed from a product or…

Applying Six Sigma Principles to Operations: The Cost of Poor Quality

November 29, 2017 ||
The principles and methodology of Six Sigma are applicable to multiple industries and processes. In all cases, the primary reason these principles are implemented is to eliminate errors, to the greatest extent possible, before they happen. The only way to accomplish this is by starting with an honest assessment of…