Automation, Automation and Information Technologies

What’s New in GAMP5 Edition 2?

August 22, 2022 || Eric S. Collier
It’s here, it’s here!  I’ve felt like Navin R. Johnson waiting for the new phone book to arrive.  (You might have to Google this one if you’re under age 50.)  The Second Edition of GAMP5 is out!  My colleagues and I have had a chance to review and will be…

Automation in Construction – The Key to Fast Startup

October 27, 2021 || Jackie Karceski
The construction business is one of the largest industries in the world, with an annual market capitalization exceeding $10 trillion. Despite its tremendous potential, many firms are struggling due to a shortage of skilled workers, weak productivity growth, and waste. New data shows that the industry is inefficient and wasteful,…

The Low Down on a New Packaging Serialization Standard

January 4, 2018 ||
Nine vendors and one end user recently conducted pilot tests to develop, evaluate, and validate a new serialization standard, PSS 1.0, officially released in November 2017. This group, known as the Open Serialization Communication Standard Group (Open-SCS), advocates that PSS 1.0 minimizes customization of plant-to-enterprise interfaces (Levels 3 and 4),…