What's your level of
Operational Readiness?

Find out in 3 easy steps

Take the assessment


1. Take the assessment

Take 5 minutes to answer a few questions about your organization’s operational readiness, technology, plans, and capabilities.

2. Get your score

After taking the assessment you will be given an overall score, which measures the maturity of your current operational readiness.

3. Receive your report

Receive your custom report and recommendations that outline your next steps to help achieve operational readiness.

Living through a manufacturing start-up in pharma is no joke.

Some say they never forget the experience.

Sleepless nights.
Endless deadlines.

Before, project completion came with the final signature on the validation docs. Now, we all know better.
With age comes wisdom and the biopharmaceutical industry now knows this:

Operational Readiness means that the facility, people and process are ready to meet market demand. Period.

“Worked on a dozen $500 mm pharma projects, and remember so many sleepless nights.

– Engineering Project Director

“We thought testing and validation was the final step, Yet, we weren’t making drug product for ten months after that.

– Pharmaceutical Engineering Manager

“Our building and labs finished on time, yet we weren’t making drug product. I still think about the patients we left waiting.

– Chief Scientific Officer, biotech

“Our teams were always top-notch but today, we’ve learned how to deliver projects that are market-ready.

– Commercial Lead, New Drug Products

“The industry has learned how to evaluate risk and align it with the cost of not being market-ready. That’s really smart.

– Procurement SVP, mid-sized pharma

“Op Readiness cannot be viewed through one lens. We know the workstreams but historically the coordination between them was not planned effectively, leading to a facility that was not ready to meet patient demand.

– Director of Operational Readiness

“We are wiser today and know that Operational Readiness can help us meet market demand, lower the cost of goods and make our facilities a better place for our operators to work.

– Director of Manufacturing

How to get you to Operational Readiness is the goal.

Take our operational readiness assessment and put wisdom to work.

We’ve developed an online assessment to help evaluate your operational readiness maturity.
After you answer a few questions, we will send a custom report with your maturity score as well as indicate areas of improvement, potential gaps and needs, along with specific recommendations to help improve your operational readiness.

Check your readiness

Your report

Wise move! Your report will detail the results of your Operational Readiness Assessment – the first step to becoming wiser about proven pathways to hit your operational stride upon start-up.

Your score

Your total Operational Assessment Score will be derived from the answer you give to this three minute quiz. A spider Diagram will accompany your score, detailing the results.

Get your score

CAI brings top-tier expertise to every stage of your project, from creating comprehensive, detailed project plans to achieving full-scale production operations, with rigorous asset management, reliability, team performance and sustainability activities. Learn more at cagents.com.

Operational Readiness White Papers

Developing Effective Procedures

Written by
Jeff Hall & Lisa Hawkins

Role Based Talent Planning for Operational Readiness

Written by
Harry Benson

Operational Readiness: The Precursor to Operational Excellence

Written by
Richard Tree