Tag Archive: pharma

Leveraging CAI Human Performance Services for the “People in Plant” Program: Driving Excellence in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

July 11, 2024 || Jeff Hall
The “People in Plant” (PiP) program is pivotal in recognizing and enhancing the contributions of employees in a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. Implementing such a comprehensive initiative requires specialized expertise, strategic planning, and a nuanced understanding of both human resources and the pharmaceutical industry. This is where consultants play a crucial…

Implementing a Risk-based Approach to Calibration 

February 9, 2024 || Joe Leuser
How does your organization determine calibration test points, tolerances, and frequency? A simple rule of thumb to calibrate instruments at 10, 50, and 90% of full-scale range and use a tolerance of 1.5 or 2 times the manufacturers’ tolerance. Many companies standardize frequencies to calibrate all critical instruments every six…