March 18, 2024 || Kevin Hawkins
This is the second installment of a three-part series exploring the transformative power of Virtual Twins when applied to an asset induction effort for facility maintenance. Part One of this series provided an overview of implementation of this technology and benefits once completed. Now, in Part Two we will address…
March 18, 2024 || Kevin Hawkins
This is the first installment of a three-part series exploring the transformative power of Virtual Twins when applied to an asset induction effort for facility maintenance. The information in this series is based on the use of Virtual Twin technology for a biomanufacturing site, but the same principles could be…
February 9, 2024 || Joe Leuser
How does your organization determine calibration test points, tolerances, and frequency? A simple rule of thumb to calibrate instruments at 10, 50, and 90% of full-scale range and use a tolerance of 1.5 or 2 times the manufacturers’ tolerance. Many companies standardize frequencies to calibrate all critical instruments every six…