Data Centers

The Pollinator-Friendly Data Centre Industry In Ireland That Is Helping To Save The Bees.

November 3, 2023 || Tom O'Farrell, Director of Client Engagement, Europe - Data Centre Services
“The bee is more honoured than other animals, not because she labours, but because she labours for others.” – St. John Chrysostom There appears to be constant negative attention towards Data Centres from the media in Ireland. Since the benefits of Data Centres are not reported fairly, then It shouldn’t…

Commissioning During COVID-19

April 23, 2021 || Niall Killeen & Brian Nieport
Life has been turned upside down during the COVID-19 pandemic with travel restrictions, self-isolation/ quarantining requirements, and social distancing measures implemented to slow the spread of the virus.  The world must go on, services and products must be delivered. But applying traditional methods will not be sufficient. Current restrictions do…